
High demand for unvaccinated sperm among women – The market value is increasing

Published November 7, 2023 | By

High demand for unvaccinated sperm among women - The market value is increasing NewsJive
Illustration image (Montage)

More an more women around the world is looking for male partners or sperm donors that are unvaxxed so they can give birth to healthy babies. Men that refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19 during the pandemic years are nowadays apparently highly desirable.

According to the serial sperm donor, Jonathan David Rinaldi also known as the “The Sperminator”, who is a prolific sperm donor on the Facebook group Sperm Donation USA, the largest sperm donation group in America, has noticed a “massive increase” in requests for unvaccianted sperm from women. After this revelation Rinaldi decided to start his own exclusive group for unvaxxed sperm donors.

Rinaldi like millions of other people around the world, are convinced that Covid vaccines somehow damage the reproductive system. Some people even strongly believe that the vaccines could cause diseases and genetic DNA mutations to the offspring.

“I don’t trust big government, big pharma, I don’t trust them, and I don’t need to inject myself with things that I don’t even know what it is,” said Rinaldi in an interview with DailyMail. 

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